Death Only Comes To Those Who Sit Still.

When I sit at home for too long and do not move, I get depressed. And when I get depressed for too long, I get scared. And there’s absolutely no room for fear in this life. Life is far too short and I’ve always embraced the practice. The growth.

Always known I need it.

I need that fear to serve as a bridge moving forward. For, without that bridge, you’ll never make it across the valleys you’ll find along the way.

Fear makes adrenaline. And adrenaline was designed to get us to move, not sit still. It is the only way to get our hearts to pump enough blood necessary properly wake us up. To wake ourselves up from the slumber we fall into when we’re bathed in comfort. And we can only make the most of the dream we live in if we’re awake enough to notice what’s already right in front of our faces.

Every time I stop moving, I am reminded that we are just not meant to sit still. I need it. I need new experiences to remind myself what is real and what is not. I need new experiences to stay awake. To stay engaged. To be able to communicate properly and honestly.

For my words will always be dogshit if I’m not inspired when I write them.

And no one likes dogshit - Especially creative dogshit.

My confidence is only genuinely rejuvenated when I am reminded of the magic. When I bathe in it and soak up it’s light.

Otherwise, nothing makes sense to me.

For death only comes to those who sit still.

If you quit fighting your demons, they’ll get stronger and someday will win. But out here, it’s only you that gets stronger.

I can only write when I am awake.

The pen doesn’t work in the pure darkness. Your light loses power and eventually goes black. And the blacker it gets, the harder it gets to find the door when you need a way out.

And you always need a way out sometimes or you risk losing it all.

You risk becoming a ghost that cannot even find himself when he looks in the mirror. And, if that happens, that means you actually do have to die someday.

Fade away into the void.

That’s where hell truly exists. Everything else is heaven.

And in heaven, you never have to die.