Some simple advice I have been reminded of, time and time again, over the last 7 years.

I'm going to give some simple advice I have learned time and time again over the last 7 years. Tested and true all over in the world, no matter how different people may look or sound than you.

1. Be kind. That's not some cliche, hippy-dippy thing. It means being kind because it makes the world a better place.

Almost every single time, when you demonstrate it first, it is given back. Many times, it's given back more than you gave. And, after all, aren't you are always hoping people are kind to you so why not set the example?

Even better, kindness is not viewed as weakness... But as strength. Now, when I say kind, I definitely do not mean naive, soft, irrationally optimistic or blind kindness. I mean being good to people, saying hello to strangers, looking them in the eye. Genuinely meaning the words you say and the questions you ask. Genuinely listening when they respond.

2. Even crazier? Smile. Smile when you see people in the world. Make eye contact with them. Make it your auto-pilot response to where you don't even notice you're doing it.


99% of the time, when you smile first at someone, they automatically smile back and this gives you a really beautiful (and rational) perspective on the quality of humanity around you. It makes people (and you) more approachable.

It disarms people.
It's intuitive.
It opens up the world to you.

3. Be yourself. Again, not a cliche, hippy-dippy thing but an authenticity-is-always-perceived as strength thing.

It takes guts to be authentic in new situations, especially with strangers. It opens up the door to someone not liking who we are. And this hurts. But what's the alternative? Someone liking us for something we're not seems a lot lonelier and stranger.

We're not meant for everyone to like us - That's not the point.

Do you like every single person in the world? I sure don't. But those I do, I love deeply.

4. Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Be vulnerable and authentic when you do.

From anyone.

Now, again, be intuitive.

But with intuition, it's good to remind ourselves (through action) that the world is a good place and most people are there to help.

Rationally, objectively, a good place.

Are all people good? No. Are the large majority? Yes.

And there's 8 billion people out there.

Even more importantly, this allows us to be an active part of the world. When we ask for help, we form genuine relationships with people and give them permission to ask us for help in the future. We all need that.

5. Never underestimate how important experience is for our development. The world is made up of information and we only develop past a certain level when we're in new experiences and situations... Especially those out of our comfort zone. It forces us to be present. To pay attention. To be intuitive.

Being present and paying attention makes travel and new experiences every bit as rich as they should be. And when you are, you're a hell of a lot smarter than you'd think you were.

Now go have fun.